me speaking at a podium

A little about me

I'm fairly new to the industry but have been a fan for years. I decided to take the plunge and jump into the indusrty as its what i spent most of my time thinking about. Here are some facts about me to give you a better idea of who i am:

  • I am originally from Ireland and love to travel and see different places and cultures. I have also been lucky enough to live and work in Toronto while on a work visa. I can now be found living in Glasgow, Scotland.
  • I am a lover of history and got my bachelors degree in Heritage studies from ATU Galway and my Masters degree in Digital Humanities from Maynooth university.
  • I love to play sports and especially enjoy running. I have competed in many 5 and 10km races and have ran a half marathon. My goal is to run a full marathon in 2023.
  • When I am not at my computer programming, I can usually be found playing video games.