
Please see below the projects I have worked on previously. If you click the image you can see a larger image of the project and if you would like to see the project or code used please follow the button below. You can also find my Github here

Spotify Clone Site
Spotify Clone Site

Created a clone of the Spotify UI to show the ability to take an image/design and build to the same requirements.

Brewery tours.
Brewery tours

In this project, I used the brewery API which can be found here . I used this API to fetch the information on the breweries and then used DOM manipulation to print out templates made with HTML & CSS to display the information.

React eCommerce Site

I built this eCommerce site using vanilla Javascript originally I then recreated it using the React library. This site allows you to select a fruit or veg you would like to add to your cart and will then tally up the total as you browse, you can also remove and add items from the cart using the plus and minus buttons.

API express database

Using PostgreSQL I created a backend database. I then linked the database to ElephantSQL and Tableplus. I then made CRUD responses for an API to adhere to the API spec that was given to me. Once I was happy with my work on the API I tested my code using the Jest testing framework on Node.js .